Disney Count Down

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


It has been so long since the last time I have written here, obviously I have been having way to much fun! I am getting used to  work everyday now, and it is much easier to get through it now that I am becoming friends with a lot of the people I work with :) Since I work in the afternoons, it is pretty slow and most of the time I get put on utilities, which means that I have to sweep by the turnstiles or stock the map carts. But most of the time there are five of us doing the same thing, so everything gets done but then we have time just to walk around, help other people on turnstiles, or sometimes just talk and laugh with each other.  I love the fact that on my days off my roommates and I can go into the Disney parks for free!

I have worked the last seven days in a row and today is my 'Friday' and I am so excited about tonight! Tonight my roommates and I are going to have a Fiesta Dinner. We are going to make Mexican food and drink Mexican martinis. I have never had a Mexican martini before but it sounds good. to make it you mix Tequila, orange liquor and an orange drink. After we are done with dinner we are going to head out to a place called the Miller Ale House where it is ladies night so I can get free drinks all night long :) It's nice to have at least one night a week where I can go out and not spend any money. Even though today is my Friday, tomorrow I have volunteering and on Thursday I have my class, so I really won't have a day off until next week Monday. Well I have to finish getting ready for work,

Until Next Time,

The Disney College Princess

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